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Redding Neck Size Titanium Bushing


Proper neck bushing size can be determined two ways. Scroll down to see easy directions to determine your required neck bushing size.

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Which Bushing is correct for my Bushing Die?

Step 1 – Measure the neck diameter (using a caliper or micrometer) of a loaded round that you have produced with the brass and bullet you plan to use.
Example: .292”

Step 2 – Subtract .002″
Example: .292” – .002” = .290” Bushing Size

Step 3 – Add that size to your order.

For this example, a .290” Bushing would be a good starting point to obtain about .001” neck tension.
To obtain more neck tension a smaller size bushing would be needed.

NOTE: Measuring several loaded rounds and using the average is advisable.

Step 1 – Measure neck thickness of your brass with a micrometer or caliper, and multiply it by 2 for a product.
Example: .014” x 2 = .028”.

Step 2 – Add your bullet diameter to the previous product, then subtract .001” for the proper neck bushing size.
Example: .264” + .028” = .292”, -.001” = .291” Bushing Size

Step 3 – Add that size to your order

For this example, a .291” Bushing would be a good starting point to obtain about .001” neck tension.
To obtain more neck tension a smaller size bushing would be needed.

NOTE: Ensure consistent neck thickness by neck turning your brass.

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