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Forster Co-Ax Primer Seater


Forster Co-Ax Primer Seater with E-Z-Just Shell Holder Jaws

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SKU: FORTSER-11521 Categories: ,


It’s fast, it’s easy, and it seats primers perfectly – all with a level of quality you won’t find anywhere else.

Set the jaws for a particular caliber, load the tube, and you’re ready to seat primers into multiple cases of that caliber.

The Forster Co-Ax primer seater ensures perfect primer seating resulting in reliable ignition and reduced misfires.

No additional shell holders are required. The E-Z-Just jaws close to securely grip most modern rifle and pistol cases with a rim thickness of .045″ to .072″.

Other features include a built-in primer flipper tray. Large and small primer tubes have an open slot and primers stack sideways for added safety.

For easy primer tube loading, use the Forster Primer Tube Loader tray available here.

Watch the video below for a review of this unique bench priming tool.

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