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Balistix Pro OAL Gauge


Balistix Pro OAL (overall length) Gauge and Comparator set.

3 in stock



The Balistix Pro OAL Gauge is an easy-to-use precision tool used to determine maximum overall cartridge length (OAL)
for each type of bullet that you are going to load for your rifle.

Once the OAL is known, you can produce handloads with a precise bullet seating depth that fits into the chamber correctly.

Comes with inserts for calibers: 224, 243, 264, 284, 308

Includes tap to easily tap a single case to modify it for easy use in the OAL Gauge.

If you do not want to tap your own cases, the Hornady Adaptor available here allows you to use the Hornady Modified Cases with the Balistix OAL gauge.

View the video below on how easy it is to use.

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