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LE Wilson Bushing Neck Sizer Die Set 6.5 Creedmoor


This L.E. Wilson Bushing Neck Die set includes a bushing neck sizing die and a micrometer bullet seater in a plastic storage case.

Must be used with an arbor press.

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The L.E. Wilson Bushing Neck Sizer Die set is the perfect die set for the reloader looking to squeeze every ounce of accuracy out of their handloads. 

Bushing Neck Sizer Dies feature interchangeable bushings (bushings sold separately here.) to size the outside of the case neck to 3/16″ from the case mouth. This allows for total control as to the amount of neck sizing each case receives. Simply change the bushing to increase or decrease the neck-tension on the bullet.
Bushings sold separately here.

For use with an arbor press found here.


The Stainless-Steel Seater Die features a micrometer top for precise adjustments in .001″ increments of seating depth.

Both bullet and case are firmly held in perfect alignment as the bullet is seated in the case.

For use with an arbor press found here.


These dies will not work on a conventional press using threaded dies.


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